My chapter doesn’t end with 25 pages, can I send more?
No. Please send the requested amount of pages. Sending more or sending the whole manuscript, as some have done, may result in rejections.
Should I email my query?
Unless you are an agent, please send your query by mail.
Should I put my name, address, and phone number as a header on each page?
No. If it makes you feel comfortable you can put your name at the top of the page with ample space between it and the text. And of course don’t forget to number your pages.
Do I have to send a self-addressed stamped envelope?
Yes. If you would like your manuscript or any portion of it returned, or just a response, please make available an SASE. If you do not, you will not receive a response.
What if I’m not sure you received my manuscript?
In order to make sure your manuscript is received, ask for a delivery confirmation. This is 70 cents through the post office. Our slush pile is high and we do not have time to go through it and confirm receipt of your manuscript.